Tyle Grout is the finest cement based tile grouting filler ready mix powder, manufactured by experts in the field. It is available in a range of 30 beautiful shades with 1kg and ½kg pouches. It is a powder form material which requires only addition of water before use.
WHERE TO USE: It can be applied over internal, external floor & wall tile joints.
which Tyle Grout is to be applied should be cleaned and made free from any contaminants
which will affect adhesion.
(B) MIXING: Tyle Grout premix powder should be used for filling any type of tile joints only after
24 hours of fixing the tiles. Mix Tyle Grout with water in the ratio of three part powder and one
part water by volume. Let the mixed paste of Tyle Grout remain in the pan for 10 to 15 minutes. Apply the paste to fill joints with a
sponge/squeegee. Remove surplus paste of Tyle Grout with a damp sponge before it dry. Allow the Tyle Grout to naturally cure (completely dry) for 24 hours after application.
(C)APPLICATION: Mix Tyle Grout with water. Apply by hand or with squeegee. Clean tile area after 2 hours by sponge and by TyleKleen after 24 hours.
- It is durable and imparts excellent water resistance and water proofing properties.
- It does not shrink or cause cavities which accumulate dirt.
- It has excellent scratch and mark resistance.
- It is a do-it-yourself product and thus application is very simple and easy.
- Tyle Grout with range of colors adds the aesthetic beauty to the floors and walls which are tile.
- It is durable & economical.
