RUST KLEEN is a water based rust release agent suitable for pre-treatment of metal iron before applying any coating. On application of Rust Kleen, rusted surface gets clean easily and safely. It can be applied by brush or cotton cloth.
WHERE TO USE: Rust Kleen is suitable for removing rust from iron surface from anywhere in construction.
HOW TO USE: Shake well the container before opening. Apply it over the rusted iron by brush liberally. Allow it to react for 5-10 minutes. Rub the surface with wire brush. It is necessary that a second coat be applied in the same way. After wire brushing, clean the surface with damp cloth and water, before applying any coat.

- Easily applicable by brush.
- Does not contain flammable/inflammable solution.
- Greatly reduces man power/work time.
- Economical.
Depends on usage and surface’s area and condition.
Store in a normal & dry condition with sealed pack.
12 months from the date of manufacture.
1 & 5Ltr Cans.
Recommend use of hand gloves, goggles and masks. In case of eye or skin
contaminations wash well with soap and cold water and seek medical advice if necessary. The
brushes and other tools should be cleaned with soap water.