Aqua Krack Fill Shrinkfree is composed of best quality polymer, properly selected fillers & additives. It is fast drying flexible, very light weight, soft putty like material used for filling cracks in plastered surfaces because it is 100% shrink free, water resistant after drying and bonds strongly to cementitious substrates.
WHERE TO USE: It is an ideal material for filling the static cracks for external and internal walls. It is non-hazardous and thus it can be used for capping works of water tanks and water reservoirs. It can be used to fill small joints and cracks in the toilet. It can be used on external plaster as it is not affected by carbonation and UV rays. It can be used in water-retaining structures as it can withstand water pressure.
(A) SURFACE PREPARATION: The cracks, which are to be repaired, should be static ones.
Clean the surface of oil, grease or any other contaminant. Clear all loose particles completely.
Neutralize the surface with adequate cleaning using water. If the cracks are less than 2mm in
width, widen them to a width of between 2 to 4mm. Make the cracks into "V" shaped grooves &
dampen them but ensure they do not have standing water.
(B) MIXING: KrackFill is a superfine powder. It has to be mixed with water in the ratio of 3.5:1 by
volume. Allow the creamy paste formed after the addition of water to stand for 7 to 10 minutes
and then remix the paste and use it with the help of a trowel.
(C) APPLICATION: First, clean the cracked walls and make a “V” shaped groove. Sprinkle
water on the prepared groove to remove loose particles. Mix waterin the ratio of 3.5:1 by volume
with KrackFill and allow the paste to stand for 5-7 minutes. Apply the paste over the cleaned “V”
shaped groove and dampen it.

- It is cement-based material and thus it bonds very well with all kinds of cement civil works.
- It is a do-it-yourself product.
- It does not require skilled labour.
- It has 2 hours of pot life, so the job can be completed comfortably with ease.
- It does not require water curing.
- It does not get affected by UV rays.
- It is not affected by carbonated attacks.