Aqua Grout Gp is a blend of high quality Ordinary Portland Cement, selected grade of silica sand and fillers, various additives and fluidifiers, designed to produce a high grade grout free from segregation.
WHERE TO USE: Aqua Grout Gp is used for grouting heavy machinery bearing plates anchor bolts, crane rails etc.
HOW TO USE: Ensure that the foundation, plates, bolts are clean and free of oil. Use oil free compressed air to blow away dirt and excess water. If some components need to be removed after grouting, lightly grease them. Chains or metal strapping may be laid in the formwork to facilitate grout flow but these should be used in short, quick strokes and should be removed before initial setting. Pour the grout slowly. On the side formwork where grout is poured, allow 15cm clearance between the side of the formwork and the base plate. On the opposite side, allow 5-10cm clearance for the head of grout and 5cm between the formwork and the base plate. Cure normally by water/wet Hessian or any other method.
STORAGE: Store in normal & dry condition.
- High early & ultimate strength.
- Non-shrink.
- Impermeable.
- Non-ferrous and hence will not corrode bolts and base plates.
- Free of chlorides, sulphates, phosphates and nitrates.
- Ready mix and easy to use
- One 25kg sack of Aqua Grout Gp yields 22.5 liters of grout.
- In less demanding applications, the yield can be increased by mixing clean and sound 10mm of Aqua Grout Gp and aggregates in the proportion of 1:1 by volume TM AQUA GROUT GP-30, 60 & 90 (Industrial Grout - General Purpose) ® with reduced flow.
- Available in various strength levels to fit everybody’s needs.