Aqua Rediplast Interior is a factory made preblended sand-cement plaster with polymers supplied in dry form. It can enable a significant increase on construction productivity as well as substantial enhancement on building quality.
WHERE TO USE: For interior wall plastering.
HOW TO USE: (A) SURFACE PREPARATION: The substrates should be cleaned and made free from grease & loose particles. The porous and absorbent substrates need to be pre-wetted prior to application of Aqua Rediplast . (B) MIXING: Use 7-8 liters of water for 40kg Aqua Rediplast ready mix plaster. Pour Aqua Rediplast white mixing for 4-5 minutes with hand or mechanical mixer to achieve a good consistency. Do not over mix. (C) APPLICATION: Allow the mixture to stand for 2-3 minutes for the chemical to get activated. Then remix and apply plaster to the substrate using some pressure while finishing with steel trowel or wooden float to ensure optimum bonding of the plaster to the substrate.
- ŸReduced shrinkage cracks through better cement hydration.
- Minimal rebond loss.
- Good water resistance property.
- Consistent quality.
- Easy to mix and apply. Better finish and surface appearance.
- Almost nil wastage of material at the site.
- Inventory cost saving.
- Minimum supervision.
- Reduction in material lifting cost..