Aquaplast 3005 is a high performance multi-functional admixture to provide flow and workability retention specially formulated for blended cements and mixes with high percentage of OPC replacement by slag cement to provide high durability
WHERE TO USE: Aquaplast 3005 is specially designed for concrete grades up to M40 using OPC, PPC or high GGBS contents and manufactured sand. It is also suitable for use in ready-mix concrete or site batching plants, precast industry mass concrete, marine or massive structures where the workability retention for a longer period is required. Properly designed concrete produces a very homogenous concrete which is easily workable without bleeding and segregation.
HOW TO USE: Aquaplast 3005 is to be added to the concrete during mixing. Do not add Aquaplast 3005 to the dry aggregate/cement mix. It is more efficient when dosed after about 70% of the mixing water has been added to concrete. Aquaplast 3005 is generally added between 0.8 to 2% by weight of cement for flow concrete depending on the workability and retardation requirement for individual job site. In certain cases due to variations of cement. Sand aggregates, weather or site conditions dosage may vary from recommendations.

- Provides flow, workability and retention of concrete mix.
- Gives super plasticizing effect. AQUA PLAST 3005 Mix With Water ®
- Easy to use.
- Chloride free.
- Ideal for concretes up to 40 Mpa in strength.
- Provide excellent strength to the concrete.
