Aqua Plast 330 is liquid water reducing plasticizer based on refined lignosulphonates. It is a powerful plasticizer, which disperses and deflocculates the cementparticles within a concrete mix. It can be used to improve workability, without the addition of extra water, or to allow reductions in free water content of the concrete mix retaining the same workability.
SPECIFICATION: ASTM C494 : Types A & D (depending on dosage). CRD-C-87 : Types A & D, BS 5075: Part I, Inst. F. Bautechnik BV, BIS:9103-1979
WHERE TO USE: To increase workability. To increase compressive strength. To effect cement economies. For hot weather concreting, work as coolant. In pre-stressed concrete. In areas of congested reinforcement where high workability is of benefit. In precast concrete manufacture. Wherever reduced water contents would be of befit for the sake of increasing impermeability. In hot weather concreting to extend workability.
HOW TO USE: Aqua Plast 330 should be added to the concrete mix during the mixing cycle at the same time as the water. Never add Aqua Plast 330 to the dry cement.

Field trials should be conducted to determine the optimum addition rates of Aqua Plast 330. A dosage range 280cc to 560cc per 100 kg cement is recommended as an initial starting point. For hot whether concreting where Aqua Plast 330 is to be used to extend workability, a dosage of 400cc to 500cc per 100kg cement is recommended.
SIDE EFFECT OF OVER-DOSAGE: A severe over-dosage of Aqua Plast 330 will result in the following: Retardation of initial setting. Increase in air entrainment. Increase in workability. Provided concrete is properly cured, the ultimate strength of the concrete will not be adversely affected and will generally be higher than for normal concrete.
- Significantly improves the workability, therefore ease in placing of concrete.
- Improves the cohesive properties of the concrete helping to reduce segregation and bleeding.
- Allows water reduction in the ratio of 10% which is achieved whilst maintaining workability, thereby increasing strength, durability and impermeability.
- Of particular benefit in hot climatic conditions when used to extend workability.
- lt also works as a coolant.
- Enables economies in mix design by saving cement.
